This month we welcome some new team members to Appoint Us
Kate has joined our admin team and will be the voice you will normally hear when you call the office. Kate comes with a wealth of Admin and marketing experience, lots of new ideas and an outgoing personality. She already has a passion for Appoint Us and is committed to its growth and development. We are sure she will be a great asset to us. Welcome Kate.
Jade has joined our Creative Support and Support team and will be delivering Creative Support, doing a lot of the behind the scenes work and delivering some Support Services. As the team grows Jade will be fully assigned to Creative Arts. Jade is currently shadowing staff and meeting lots of new people. We welcome Jade to the team
Theresa has joined our accounting team and will be responsible for generating sales invoices, processing purchase invoices and chasing debt. (Hopefully, the latter will be a minimal role!) Welcome Theresa
We hope they will all be really happy working for us .
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