"A pathway to making life easier
giving back to the community"


Take Heart at Saint Cross

    We were invited to join the Take Heart group at Saint Cross Hospital in Rugby recently. This is a group set up by people who have experienced heart issues and who are all very proactive. They have a coffee morning keep fit group etc They were keen to hear about our organisation and our services. […]
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      Our Therapeutic Arts Team have been making Advent special with the residents at a local Dementia Home as well as doing some great work at The Dementia Cafe (which can be seen on our Dementia Cafe page) If you are a care home and would like some Therapeutic Arts input please contact us for more […]
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        This week Fiona and Felicity made a live radio appearance on Hillz FM radio talking about Appoint Us Services . We also had an article published in the latest issue of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber magazine. Fame at last!! We have also received confirmation of our donation to UCHW Breast Cancer Unit.
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        Busy Week

          It’s been a busy week for us this week. We supported World Prematurity Day at UCHW We supported an Alzheimer’s fundraising event  Our Therapeutic Arts team began working towards Advent All of our staff attended updated Safeguarding Training Want to join our team? See vacancies page.  
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          GO PINK

            Appoint Us are happy to announce that we raised £579.80 for UCHW Breast Cancer Unit. Thank you to everyone who took part and helped us to achieve this. Special thanks to our staff for their input. Winner of the Pink Bubby for the nearest guess is Tina Sharman. Well done Tina! A reminder that our […]
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              We are submitting a team for  the 5km Jingle Jog to raise funds for the breast cancer unit at UCHW. 10.30am Ryton Pools 6th December. If you would like to join our team entry is £8 including your Santa outfit.  Please contact us. We would love to have you on board.
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              DECEMBER CAFE

                The December Cafe will be on Tuesday 1st December from 10.00am-12.00pm  With our tea and coffee we will have festive cakes such as stollen and mince pies We have Elsa The Singing Princess joining us to sing Christmas songs and Carols and our Therapeutic Arts staff will be making crackers. Look forward to seeing
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                DEMENTIA CAFE

                  By the end of today, we should have a Dementia Cafe page on our website. You will find here details of forthcoming events at the Cafe as well as uploads from previous events. We would love to see the cafe grow and more people at future Cafe events so please share the information to Carers […]
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                  ADVENT NOVEMBER

                    Appoint Us will be collecting Advent Calenders in November to donate to Coventry and Warwickshire Foodbanks. If you would like to donate any please drop them off to our office or give us a call and we will collect locally. Thank you for your support  
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